west canada



Imagine yourself in a sea kayak gliding through the serene Pacific Ocean waters. Surrounding you are the most picturesque islands, and in the distance, you see snow-capped mountain peaks. You round the next point and suddenly, they appear. A pod of orca whales rise to the surface, their six-foot dorsal fins cutting the calm waters. Their breathtaking presence fills your senses. Without rocking a single kayak, the family of gentle black-and-white hulks glide past you on their way to their next destination. A moment of amazement, a lifetime of memories. Let us plan a vacation you'll never forget.

WHALES Watching

If you want to see whales in their natural habitat then Vancouver Island is the place to be. Whale adventures are accessible from all areas of the Island including the rugged West Coast waters, the Broughton Archipelago and the Southern tip of the Island. We will provide you with a whale watching experience you will never forget.


West Canada.


Colombie Britannique British Columbia